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Cheap Catalyst Could Turn Sunlight, Water Into Fuel

A new catalyst makes it feasible to split water with solar power.
MIT chemists say the catalyst, used in conjunction with cheap photovoltaic solar panels, could lead to inexpensive, simple systems that use water to store the energy from sunlight.

In the process, the scientists may have cleared the major roadblock on the long road to fossil fuel independence: Reducing the on-again, off-again nature of many renewable power sources.

The catalyst enables the electrolysis system to function efficiently at room temperature and at ordinary pressure. Like a reverse fuel cell, it splits water into oxygen and hydrogen. By recombining the molecules with a standard fuel cell, the O2 and H2 could then be used to generate energy on demand. More>>

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Radio Signal Detected from Beyond Solar System

On the evening of July 28th, the Indlebe Radio Telescope, situated on the Steve Biko campus of the Durban University of Technology, successfully detected its first radio source from beyond the solar system. A strong signal was detected from Sagittarius A, the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy, approximately 30 thousand light years away.

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Switched to new hosting

Tonight I made the switch to Media Temple hosting. I have been working to move my blog from my old host server to the new one. I’ve also taken this opportunity to upgrade to the latest version of WordPress. This latest version is great and seems to offer some very nice enhancements. In fact, I am scheduling this post to be published in the morning. We’ll see how this works.