Tag: humor
Zachary Quinto vs. Leonard Nimoy
“The Challenge”
This Isn’t the Petition Response You’re Looking For | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
Secure resources and funding, and begin construction of a Death Star by 2016.
This Isn’t the Petition Response You’re Looking For
By Paul Shawcross
The Administration shares your desire for job creation and a strong national defense, but a Death Star isn’t on the horizon. Here are a few reasons:
The construction of the Death Star has been estimated to cost more than $850,000,000,000,000,000. We’re working hard to reduce the deficit, not expand it.
The Administration does not support blowing up planets.
Why would we spend countless taxpayer dollars on a Death Star with a fundamental flaw that can be exploited by a one-man starship?
via This Isn’t the Petition Response You’re Looking For | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government.
Jack Sparrow Michael Bolton – Lonely Island
Battle at F-Stop Ridge
Simon Pegg and Nick Frost’s Star Wars
Source: http://www.pastemagazine.com/