I’ve created a new eLearning Blog and Forum. I’ve been working in the eLearning industry for about 10 years now and I hope to spread some of the knowledge. Feel free to contribute as well.
Author: admin
Top 100 Open Source Apps
There’s a few I would add to this list and maybe I’ll do that when I have time. Here’s the list. An app from the list that stands out is the Vanilla Forum.
Hype Machine and Podtropolis look sweet
The Hype Machine looks like a cool online app to help you find music or any mp3 for that matter.
Podtropolis has videos in iPod format.
Mahalo is the world’s first human-powered search engine!
Send stuff to your friends with Pownce
Kevin Rose is at it again with a new and cool app – http://www.pownce.com/
Invite only for now.
Obama Girl
I wasn’t much for politics until Obama Girl showed up on the scene. Getting famous from her youtube video, you can also check out her site at obamagirl.com. Enjoy the race in 08!