coda – one window web development
Author: admin
Parallels Desktop v3 release for Mac now allows Windows apps to open in OSX
Parallels is a Windows virtualization software that allows you to seamlessly run Windows applications on Mac OS X without rebooting your machine. Version 3.0 allows you to open both Windows and OSX applications from within either OS: both OSX and Windows! It also supports 3D hardware graphics acceleration, making it way more compatible with games.
Congressman Who Took Money From RIAA/MPAA: “Cut Funding to Colleges”
The RIAA’s campaign contributions are hard at work this week as members of Congress threaten to cut off federal funding to educational institutions if they don’t stop file sharing on their networks.
WIRELESS Electricity from MIT – WiTricity
We always knew Tesla was right: MIT physics professor Marin Soljacic and his team of researchers behind the latest wireless electricity scheme have reportedly demoed their magnetically coupled resonator technology on a 60-watt lightbulb that wasn’t plugged in.
Google’s helping webmasters
Webmaster’s behold… Google is providing us with tools!
My claim to fame
The Orion still has this college story. Love it! I also made it into the internet movie data base!