Tag: mobile
Why mobile learning is the future of workplace learning
Why Mobile Learning Is The Future Of Workplace Learning
Click to view the complete infographic. | Infographic by Upside Learning

Click to view the complete infographic. | Infographic by Upside Learning
JSONLint – The JSON Validator.
I’ve been working on a personal project and found this excellent tool for validating JSON. It’s called “JSONLint” – The JSON Validator.
I installed the JSON plugin on my wordpress site and now I can retrieve the data from a web app on my personal domain johnpolaschek.com. My testing URL is: http://www.dontlookhere.com/blog/?json=get_recent_posts&count=2
I drop that URL into JSONLint and I can verify the output. Very cool. I’ve now got a mobile page running on johnpolaschek.com that retrieves the feed and displays as buttons on a jQuery mobile page.